Saturday, June 19, 2010


Dumbledore does have a few appearances in these chapters. Even though he doesnt do much in particular his presence alone had enough on certain characters. In chapter 11 Snape deducts five points from Gryffindor because Harry along with Ron and Hermoine have a book outside the library reading. This only makes Harry dislike Snape even more although some of his dislike is rooted from fear. Me as a reader even more disgusted with Snape. I never saw a student punished for reading for further knowledge on a subject. Like Harry said I bet he made that up just then. I actually smile when I learned with Harry that Snape was bit by the dog protecting the forbidden corridor. It was like he got what he deserved. With the yHarry made in the teachers staffroom I began to wonder why Snape was in the forbidden corridor trying to get pass the dog as well. Harry automatically assumes it was Snape who let the mountain troll in to cause a distraction for him to sneak off to the corridor. At first thought I would think this too but then that would be too obvious. Snape being a professor at Hogwarts he could sneak off at any time to go to the forbidden corridor i would think it would be wiser to do it at night when everyone is suppose to be sleep. As the chapter continues Harry finally enters into his first Quidditch match and I like the descriptive details Rowling uses describing the match I could visualize everything taking place. And its like Snape wont give up he starts to use dark magic to effect Harry's broomstick and I though it was hillarious when Hermoine set the bottom of his robe on fire. When everyone realized that Harry had caught the snitch I was happy too. First thing I thought about was the look on Malfoy's face. In chapter 12 Christmas has arrived and the evil Malfoy can not stand that everyone is liking Harry and his friends so he has to switch up his approach in picking at them. Hagrid doesnt mean to let the name Nicholas Flamel slip but he does. This becomes a big piece to the puzzle of discovering what the three headed dog is guarding. I am now more in tune as a reader to make sure I catch every detail the the author might want me to. I thought it was nice of Mrs. Weasley to make Harry a sweater along with her boys. And with the discovery of the invisible cloak I began to think what I would do with one myself if it was given to me. But i thought like Harry this would be a good time to discover things he had been wanting answers to. I figured he would go to the restricted section of the library but I also thought he would try and sneak pass the dog guarding the corridor. Trying to escape Filch and Snape he discovers the mirror of erised. He saw his family and immediately brought Ron back the next night. On the third night he realizes that Dumbledore had been watching him the whole time as he and Ron were sneaking of to see the mirrior. With Dumbledore reacting and explaining the purpose of the mirror I believe this made Harry feel alot more comfortable knowing he wouldn't be punished because of his desire to see his family. And it obvious Dumbledore lied to Harry when he asked what does he see when he looks into the mirror. In chapter 13 Gryffindor finds out Snape would be the referee for the next Quidditch match. I automatically assume like they do that Snape would cheat. But if backs out then in a sense he would let Snape know he is afraid of him. After Neville aight the chocolate frog the realize that what they have been searching for all this time is on the back of the card. And with that and a little research they know what the dog is gaurding. At the Quidditch match we learn that Dumbledore was in attendance and with that we all know that Snape couldnt and wouldnt do anything out the way to harm Harry. But I do like how Ron and Hermoine bought there wands just in case like Snape we gon show you who run this. With Harry catching the snitch and Dumbledore congratulating him on his play its obvious that Harry is really beginning to like being at Hogwarts and prolly would never return to the muggle world. When Harry discovers Snape sneaking of to the forbidden forest and speaking to Quirrel I begin to think Snape is not just a mean and arrogant professor he is also crooked. For what reason does he need to get the stone out of the corridor. In chapter 14 Hagrid receives a dragon from a card game. Although the chapter had some interesting things take place i wasnt that interested in reading and learnign about this dragon of Hagrid's. However I thought Malfoy is continuing to get what he deserves when learned that Ron gave him a black eye and he gets caught by Professor Mcgonagall trying to set up Harry and his friends again. And at the end of the chapter Harry Ron and Hermoine get caught by Filch coming down from the tower and I automatically think how could they be so careless to forget the invisible cloak after they just saw Malfoy get caught dont you think someone else would be lurking around if one student was caught there!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good... but you've got to make paragraphs. Whenever you change topics, press enter twice to make a new paragraph. That just makes it easier to read.
