Sunday, July 18, 2010


In the portion of reading I found alot things that took place interesting. Although I find alot of things about the text so far interesting its beginning to become difficult to follow because one minute the narrator is talking about this and then the next she is on a completely different topic that should be placed with other things she talks about. This is beginning to frustrate me as a reader. I think the only reason the author can get by with it in this novel is because of the way it is set up with a comic book format where u have short text and a corresponding picture. If it was a normal novel it would be impossible to follow. The first would be living in a society so focused on being on a accord that they would close all universities because they felt everything and anything needed to be done to ensure that children didnt stray away from the path of Islam. When the narrator found out about this she immediately saw her dream of being like Marie Curie crumble before her eyes. In her case it would be one thing to not accomplish something because of your own lack of will or laziness but to have it taken because of religious beliefs of your nation and theres nothing you can do but accept it would be really difficult for me. Scenes immediately following this the mother is confronted by gentlemen and told she should be pushed up against a wall and raped if she didnt wear the veil. Those are pretty harsh words but it doesnt surprise me completely from what has taken place thus far in the text. The veil becomes a obiligatory thing to wear because a woman's hair brings excitement to a man that may cause him to rape her. Im beginning to think that the government officials are trying to brainwash their people into believing whatever they say. I dont think there is any way possible that hair could excite a man enough to rape a woman. If a man is going to rape a woman its not going to be because of her hair. It was funny when the narrator's mother looked out the window and saw a woman who always wore tight and short clothing having adapted to the fundamentalist style of clothing. A man had to wear a long sleeve shirt because his bare arms wouls excite a woman. I could not imagine having to wear a long sleeve shirt everyday especially in that climate. The narrator sees her last demostration when a fight / riot breaks out and people began to get beat or stabbed. And then learning she and her family would no longer be able to take vacation. I think thats another extreme as well. When they realize they are at war from the grandmother it reitterates the belief by most not just concerning their nation but in any country the government will only let you see what they want to portray to you. especially at a time like war. Our nation saw this with the war in Iraq. When the teacher asked the students to preapare a letter concerning the war I felt bad for the little girl Paradise. Like nthe narrator everyone would say he died a noble death and was a hero. But she felt I rather see him in jail and alive than to know he was dead. It was nice of the narrator's family to take in Taji and her family. Although I didnt particularly care for her boys. They were worried about all the wrong things that was clearly not important. They were spoiled, selfish, and materialistic like their father. And the situation with the maid and her son and the gold key was very strange. The fact that boys who knew nothing about war where being sent to fight. I mean they where still kids how could they possible fight in a war and then told since you are poor when you die this gold key might help buy your way in to heaven. As the reading continues the narrator tells different stories of things that occured to friends and families she knew. With everything been said I just couldnt imaging having to put myself in her position and live her life.

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