Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Overall I enjoyed Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis. The novel itself kept my interest as a reader. The comic book set up made it easy to read. Especially because it had a picture to go along with the text. However at times it was kind of confusing because she switched from topic to topic when it seemed she was not finished in completeling her thoughts from the previous. Her literary use of irony and symbolism allowed me as the reader to understand some of the ideas she was trying to get across or make. The topics raised by Satrapi are interesting. Things like the veil, revolution, war, social class etc. Although im not of the Islamic faith I felt as though i could feel how they as a people would have felt when certain things went on or took place in the novel. Alot of these situations are present anywhere you go. Like women rights, women rights has been a issue dating back hundreds of years ago. One particular thing that sticks out is the veil. I believe the veil represents bondage or a lack of freedom. It was stated that the veil was supoose to be worn because the woman's hair tempted men. And such temptation was wrong or not of god. They believed the appearance of hair and temptation led to the rape of their women. I thought this was beyond crazy. It seems the government officials needed a reason any reason reason really to justify the enforcement of the veil. In this novel I believe they are things you could learn about life. Like a life lesson. The narrator was continously learning these lessons. When the narrator first learned of social class she felt bad. She realized she would be considered upper class because she had a maid, her father drove a nice car, etc. She soon realized such issues as rights and social class was the reason for the revolution. There were instances where she made fun of a little girl saying her father was not on a trip but that he was dead. Then seeing that he was not dead was to me a slap in the face she deserved, but the bigger slap came when her uncle anoosh was killed. Her experience of being on the other side allowed her to see that you dont make fun of death because you never know when you or your loved one will be faced with the same situation. She learned another leasson when her and a friend placed nails between their fingers and tried to attack the little boy because his father supposedly ordered the killing of thousands of people. She had to realize that you can not punish others for the mistakes of another regardless the relation. Although I could not complete the entire novel because the second part of the book was not available I did enjoy what I could read. As I said before at times I was confused but over all I enjoyed the work.


  1. I encourage you sometimes to pick up the rest of Persepolis, or even to watch the movie. It's great stuff.

  2. it is very crazy when you see where some peoples minds are at. people may be built the same but we do not think the same. Great job!
